Teen Virtual Book Club: Ages 13-17

07/05/2020 @ 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM

We are starting a book group exclusively for teens on our Discord server! You can choose whether to join the video chat or answer questions in the book chat channel. Please join us even if you haven’t finished the book. Just be aware there will probably be a spoiler or two. We highly recommend joining the Discord Server to figure out how it works at least 24 hours before the event. You will need to fill out an application here to participate in the server.

July’s book will be Truly Devious by Maureen Johnson. Books can be downloaded without a waitlist from Hoopla! You can download the app on your tablet, phone, or computer. Both the ebook and audiobook are available to check out.

Click here to register for this program. This program is limited to teens ages 13-17.