Resident Card (Fee is paid annually via property tax)
Persons sixteen (16) years or older residing or owning business or real estate within the village boundaries of Glen Carbon are eligible for a three year (3-year) term library card.
Two forms of address verification are required for a library card.
Preferred forms of identification are:
- Illinois driver’s license with current address
- Property tax receipt
- Utility bill/official mail/electronic bill received within last thirty (30) days
- Vehicle registration
- Voter registration card
Juvenile Card
A person younger than sixteen (16) years of age may apply for a juvenile card. A parent/legal guardian must present valid identification, and proof of residency. The juvenile applicant does not need to be present. The card expires (3) years from the date of issue.
Non-Resident Taxpayer Card (Fee is paid via business property tax)
Persons living outside the Glen Carbon Village limits or not owning property within the Village, are eligible for a one year (1-year) term non-resident library card.*
To obtain a non-resident library card, payment is calculated using property value to calculate what would be paid within the library service area.
Members of the household residing at the same address are also eligible for a library card by payment of the one fee. No refunds are given for moving away from the area.
The annual fee must be paid in full at the time of purchase. Non-resident cardholders may use their library card at all libraries participating in reciprocal borrowing in the Illinois Heartland Library System.
*The sale of a library card to a non-resident is covered by the Illinois Statutes, 75 ILDS 5/4-7(12) and 75 ILDS 16/30-55.60 specifically. A non-resident must purchase a library card from the public library geographically closest to the individual’s primary residence or school district.
Statewide Borrower’s Card
The Glen Carbon Centennial Library will honor borrowing privileges on non-residents who hold IHLS Statewide Borrower’s cards. Statewide card holders are entitled to the same privileges as Glen Carbon Library card holders with the following exceptions:
- Only Glen Carbon patrons can make OCLC requests.
- Only Glen Carbon patrons can checkout eReaders.
- Only Glen Carbon patrons may access the library’s subscription databases.
Teacher’s Card
The Library will allow a teacher with a valid borrower’s card to check out materials to facilitate the teaching process. The teacher is solely accountable for the material and subject to fines and penalties which may be imposed if needed. The public library is designed to supplement but not replace adequate resources for classroom use.
Using and Replacing Your Library Card
- Please bring your card on each library visit.
- There is no charge for a replacement library card.
- Report lost or stolen cards immediately.
- Please contact us when you have changed your mailing address, telephone number or email address so we may contact you regarding your library account.