
Bylaws of the

Glen Carbon Centennial Library District


These rules are supplementary to the provisions of the State of Illinois as they relate to the procedures of Boards of Library Trustees.


  • The name of this organization shall be the Glen Carbon Centennial Library District, hereinafter referred to as GCCLD.
  • The office of the board shall be located at 198 S. Main, Glen Carbon, IL 62034.


  • The Board of Trustees, hereinafter referred to as the Board, is constituted and holds authority as specified in Illinois Compiled Statutes, Chapter 75, Act 16/30, and other applicable Illinois laws.


  • The GCCLD shall be governed by a Board of Trustees who are elected for six (6) year terms by the registered voters of the GCCLD. The election will be staggered such that either two (2) or three (3) trustees are elected in each two-year interval.
  • Seven (7) trustees constitute a complete complement of the Board.
  • Any vacancy on the Board shall be handled in accordance with, and as directed by, the Public Library District Act of 1991, specifically, 75 ILCS 16/30-25.
  • All new trustees shall be contacted by the current Board President and Library Director for an orientation session, which will include a tour of the library and an overview of the collections, services, policies and business of the Board.


  • All meetings of the Board shall be open to the public and conform to the requirements of the Illinois Open Meetings Act. In addition, Robert’s Rules of Order shall serve as guidelines for all meetings of the Board.
  • The Board shall hold a minimum of six (6) regular business meetings at a regularly scheduled time in the Library.  The date, place or time of a particular regular meeting may be changed by an affirmative vote of the majority of the trustees present and voting at a regular meeting.
  • Special meetings may be called by the President or upon request of two (2) members for the transaction of business stated in the call for the meeting.
  • Ad Hoc Committee meetings are held upon direction of the Board.
  • A quorum of the Board shall consist of four (4) members. A quorum of a committee shall be at least a majority of the members of that committee.
  • The regular Board meeting agenda shall be developed by the President in consultation with the Library Director and shall consist of the following:

Call to Order

Roll Call

Recognition of Visitors and Public Comment

Correspondence and Communication

Reports of the Library

Approval of Minutes

Treasurer’s Report

Approval of Bills

Reports of Standing Committees

Reports of Special (Ad Hoc) Committees

Unfinished Business

New Business


  • Public attendees, should they indicate that they want to make a comment/statement, will be allotted three (3) minutes to voice their position. The total amount of time for all public comments will be thirty (30) minutes per meeting.
  • Agendas for standing and/or ad hoc committees will be developed by the Chair of that committee in consultation with the Library Director.


  • Given a quorum at a regular meeting, the following protocol will be in effect:
  • For non-financial issues a voice vote will be sufficient and recorded in the affirmative, negative or abstention in the minutes.
  • For financial issues a roll call vote will be required and recorded in the minutes.
  • No vote or action of the Board shall be rescinded at any special meeting of the Board, unless there be present at such meeting, as many members of the Board as were present at the meeting when such a vote or action was taken.


  • The officers of the Board shall be President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.
  • Officers shall be nominated and approved by the full Board at the last regular meeting of the current fiscal year.
  • The term for each officer shall be for two (2) years starting at the beginning of the fiscal year subsequent to the election of new/ continuing trustees.
  • A vacancy in any office shall be filled by the Board for the unexpired term.


  • President.

The President shall preside at all meetings, appoint all committees with the approval of the full board, serve as a non-voting Ex Officio member of all committees, sign checks approved by the Board, authorize calls for any special meetings and serve as Board spokesperson in all advisory or disciplinary actions directed to the staff. He/she may approve the bill list for months in which no meeting is  scheduled and perform all other usual duties of the presiding officer.

  • Vice President.

The Vice President assumes all duties of the President in his/her absence.  He/she shall assume any duties appointed to him/her.

  • Secretary.

The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all Board meetings, record attendance, record roll call votes, administer oaths and affirmations, plus all other clerical duties as may be assigned by the Board or as described by Illinois State Statutes.

  • Treasurer.

The Treasurer shall chair the Finance Committee and is custodian of the funds of the District. His/her responsibilities include signing checks against District accounts and investment of library funds. He/she shall report on the state of the funds at each Board meeting.  The Treasurer shall ensure a yearly audit is made by an independent auditor hired by the Board and that the final audit is submitted to the Board for approval.  He/she shall be bonded in accordance with Illinois Combined Statutes Act 16, 30-45 (e).


  • Standing Committees of the Board shall be: Finance, Personnel and Building. Standing Committees are appointed every two (2) years.  The chair and members of each committee shall be proposed by the   President and affirmed by the full board.
  • Finance Committee is chaired by the Treasurer and shall have the responsibility for recommending fiscal policies to the Board. In cooperation with the Library Director they draw up and recommend a budget to the Board. They also investigate and propose sources for additional funds, changes to the existing budget and investment of monetary assets.
  • Personnel Committee shall be responsible for administering the performance reviews of the Library Director. It assumes a leadership  role in the resolution of any personnel conflict that cannot be resolved by the Library Director. It also suggests personnel policies and procedures in collaboration with the Library Director and offers input to the salary and benefits portion of the annual budget.
  • Building Committee conducts an annual inspection of the Library’s physical facility to identify areas in need of modification or repair and makes recommendations to the Board as a result of the inspection or as the need arises. They may also work with the Village of Glen Carbon on building and grounds issues that affect the District.
  • Special Committees may be appointed by the President with the approval of the full board to investigate special  topics and to make reports or recommendations to the Board.  Such committees serve until completion of the task for which they were appointed.


  • The Library Director shall administer the policies adopted by the Board.  Among his/her duties shall be the hiring and firing of all District Employees, as well as their supervision, direction and evaluation.
  • The Library Director shall submit monthly reports on the operation of the District and shall recommend to the Board such policies and procedures that, in his/her opinion would improve the District’s efficiency and value to its patrons.
  • The Library Director is an Ex Officio non-voting member of the Board and is required to attend all meetings unless notice is provided in advance.
  • The Library Director serves at the discretion of the Board and is subject to continuing employment or termination based upon annual evaluations, which will evaluate performance consistent with the existing job description.


  • Proposed amendments to these Bylaws shall be presented in writing at a regular or special meeting preceding the meeting at which the vote is taken.
  • These Bylaws may be amended by an affirmative vote of four (4) Board members.
  • The Board shall endeavor to review the Bylaws every three (3) years.


The foregoing rules are hereby approved by the Board of Trustees of the Glen Carbon Centennial Library District on: January 11, 2017