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Policies & FAQs

Mission Statement

The Glen Carbon Centennial Library District is nationally recognized for anticipating and meeting the needs of the community with innovative programs, strong community partnerships, and a staff committed to excellence and personal service.

Patron Conduct Policy

Library patrons of all ages have a right to expect that the library will be quiet and safe enough for reading and study. The Board of Trustees calls attention to the following regulations:

Unlawful Behavior

Any behavior which breaks local / state / or federal law will result in immediate expulsion from the library and the patron may be permanently barred from the library premises.

Disruptive Patrons
A patron of any age who is talking loudly enough to disturb other patrons, is engaging in any activity which disturbs or harasses other patrons or staff, or is damaging library materials or facilities, will be asked to desist from such activity immediately.

If, following such a request, the patron refuses to comply, or responds to the request in an abusive fashion, s/he will be required to leave the library premises immediately for the balance of that calendar day. If s/he fails to do so, the police will be summoned.

Upon a second offense, the patron may be barred from library premises for up to a month.

Upon a third offense, the patron may be required to surrender their library card or may be barred from the library premises for a period not less than three months, or both.

Such instances involving minors will be reported to the parent or guardian.

Persons wishing to appeal such action may do so upon written request to the Library Director.

How long are checkouts?

Checkouts can vary depending on which library owns the item you are checking out. Always refer to your due date receipt.

  • Books and audiobooks are loaned for 3 weeks – with 2 renewals, provided no outstanding requests
  • Express books are loaned for 1 week – with no renewals
  • Blu-Rays, DVDs, and CDs are loaned for 1 week – with 1 renewal, provided no outstanding requests
  • DVD sets (ie. TV shows) are loaned for 2 weeks.
  • Express Blu-Rays and DVDs are loaned for 3 days – with no renewals
  • Magazines are loaned for 1 week.

How many items can I checkout at a time?

Glen Carbon card holders can have up to 50 items on their account at one time (the total number of DVDs and video games is limited to 10). A non-Glen Carbon card holder is limited to the lending restrictions of their home library.

How much are late fees?

Library materials are to be returned when due or after the renewal period. The status of items charged to your library account is available online at The library does not charge fines, but items that have not been returned will be billed to the patron’s account and that account will be inactive until the charge is paid or the item is returned.  If the item belongs to a library other than the Glen Carbon Centennial Library may be charged by the owning library and those charges may not be waived if the item is returned after the Glen Carbon Centennial Library has had to pay the owning library.

Will I be notified if items are late?

Yes. By providing an email address or text number Glen Carbon patrons will be notified 2-days before an item is due.

  • 1st Notice – 3 days from due date (via email or text)
  • 2nd Notice – 10 days from due date (via email or text)
  • 3rd Notice –17  days from due date (via email or text)
  • 4th Notice – 24 days from due date (Bill mailed)

What if I have outstanding charges?

No library materials may be checked out on a library card that has accumulated over $5.00 in fines. Parents are responsible for the fines incurred on their children’s cards if under 18 years of age. Fines may be paid in person via cash, check, credit or debit. Pay Fines Online →

The Library will impose a “Family Stop” on all cards in a family, or household, if any one member of the family has fines in excess of $20. All family members will lose library privileges until restitution has been made. A notice shall be sent to the parent or legal guardian when outstanding charges cause suspension of Library privileges for families.

How can I reserve an item?

Books and other materials not available in our library when requested by a borrower may be reserved in person, by phone, or online at As the reserved item becomes available, the borrower will be notified by phone, text or email.

How can I renew items?

Materials may be renewed if there is no reserve on them and if the item has not yet been renewed its maximum amount of times. Telephone and online renewals are available. Of course, you can renew in person as well.

Do you have computers for public use?

Yes. Reservations for the computers may be made at the front desk for two hours with the option to extend the time if nobody is waiting for the computer. All reservations must be made in person on a first come-first served basis.

Do you offer exam proctoring?

Yes. The library offers exam proctoring as a service to the community for examinations with distance learning arrangements. These exams may be either written or taken online.

A fee of $5.00 per exam, or per session of short exams not to exceed three hours. The student is also responsible for any copies, faxes, or mailing costs associated with proctoring the exam. Valid ID must be presented prior to the examination.

It is the responsibility of the student to arrange for all test taking materials to be sent to the library location, call to confirm arrival, and schedule an appointment with the library to take the exam during normal hours of library service.

It is also the responsibility of the student to verify that any library employee can proctor their test. Online exams may be proctored at the discretion of the proctor, and may be restricted to hours of the day with lower demand for the public computers, so as not to inconvenience general library users. Students may bring their own computers; the library is not responsible for unethical or dishonest test taking by the student. It may be necessary for the student to test the library’s computers in advance of the exam date, to determine that the library’s firewall does not block the exam site. It is recommended that online exams be scheduled well in advance of the deadline due to unforeseen downtime.

There is no guarantee for complete privacy or total silence while taking the exam, the staff will work with the student for the most appropriate time to schedule the exam. If the student is late, cancels the appointment, or fails to show up for the exam, it is up to him/her to reschedule at the convenience of the library.

All deadlines, including mailing time, are the responsibility of the student, who should take into account delays in mailing, scheduling a time with a proctor, or days on which the library is closed. The Library will keep no copies of completed examinations. Examinations left in the care of the library for more than one month will be discarded.

The library is not responsible for unforeseen events such as network or equipment failure, lost or delayed mail, proctor absence or illness, or library closure. The student must sign the Proctor Charge Acknowledgement Form before taking the test and obey all the library rules of conduct when taking the exam.

What about print/fax services?

Prints and copies are .10 per page for black and white.
Color prints and copies are .50 per page.
Outgoing and incoming faxes are also .50 per page.

What about children?

Parents may not leave children under the age of ten years unattended in the Library and are responsible for their children’s behavior while in the Library. Parents are expected to monitor and supervise their children’s use of the internet.

Do you have a 3D Printer?

The Glen Carbon Centennial Library District 3D printer is available to Glen Carbon resident cardholders in good standing for educational purposes to make three-dimensional objects from a digital model utilizing a design that is uploaded from a Stereo Lithography (STL) format computer file.

1. The 3D printer may be used for lawful purposes only. The public will not be permitted to use the Library’s 3D printer to create objects that are:

  • Prohibited by state or federal law.
  • In violation of another’s intellectual property rights. For example, the printer will not be used to reproduce material that is subject to copyright, patent, or trademark protection.
  • Unsafe, harmful, dangerous, or poses an immediate threat to the well-being of others; for example, guns, knives, or other possible lethal weapons.
  • Obscene or otherwise inappropriate for the Library environment.

2. The Glen Carbon Centennial Library reserves the right to refuse any 3D print request.
3. Use of the 3D printer is at the discretion of the designated library staff.
4. Supervision of the use of the 3D printer by Library staff does not constitute knowledge or acknowledgement of any unapparent final use of the 3D product and the Library specifically disclaims any knowledge thereof.
5. Only designated Library staff will have hands-on access to the 3D printer.
6. Items printed from the Library’s 3D printer that are not picked up within 7 days will become the property of the Library. Items must be picked up by the individual who printed them.
7. Acknowledgement by patrons utilizing the Library’s 3D printer:

  • By submitting content or objects, the patron agrees to assume all responsibility for, and shall hold the Library harmless in, all matters related to patented, trademarked, or copyrighted materials.
  • The Glen Carbon Centennial Library District is not responsible for any damage, loss, or security of data arising from the use of its computers or network, nor for the functionality or quality of content produced on the 3D printer.

Collection Development and Material Reconsideration

The library board and staff takes all patron complaints seriously and recognizes the importance of allowing Glen Carbon citizens to express their grievances regarding materials. The library collection is a reflection of both the Glen Carbon Centennial Library District Materials Selection Policy and that of the American Library Association’s intellectual freedom philosophy. Library materials will not be sequestered except for the express purpose of protecting them from damage or theft. The Board of Trustees believes that while anyone is free to reject for themselves library materials of which an individual does not approve, the individual cannot restrict the freedom of others to read, view, or hear. Parents or legal guardians have the responsibility to guide and direct reading, viewing, or listening of their own minor children. The library does not take the place of the parent or legal guardian.

The Board of Trustees of the Glen Carbon Centennial Library District defends the principles of the freedom to read, view, or hear and considers that all materials selected under this policy are protected under the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. The library shall not disclose any library record that identifies a person as having requested or obtained specific materials, information, or services. The board further adopts and declares that it will adhere to and support the Library Bill of Rights, the Free Access to Libraries for Minors, and the Freedom to Read Statement adopted by the American Library Association, all three of which are included in the materials Selection Policy manual.

If a patron chooses to challenge materials in the library, they may fill out the Citizen’s Comment on Library Material form and return it to the library.  The form will be reviewed by the Library Director and the patron will receive a written response to their comment.  Should the patron wish to appeal the decision, the request will be forwarded to the Director who will notify the Board of Trustees. The written appeal by the complainant must be made within two weeks of receipt of the Director’s decision.  The Board of Trustees and Director will take the matter into consideration, with the Board’s decision being final.

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