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Tutoring 2024-2025


We have free tutoring at the library for students in grades K through 12.

About tutoring:

This is a free drop-in service where students from SIUE tutor kids and teens in grades K through 12. The tutors do not develop curricula or create assignments for students. Please bring a specific assignment to work on or a book you need assistance reading.

You’ll find tutors in our building on the following days and times*.

Mondays-Thursdays: 3-8 pm

Fridays: 2-5 pm

Saturdays: 10-5 pm*

Sundays: 1-5 pm

*On Saturday, February 15, tutoring will end at 3 pm due to tutor availability.

There is no tutoring from Monday, March 10, to Sunday, March 16, due to SIUE’s Break.

*This schedule was updated on February 11, 2025. We recommend calling before you arrive to verify that a tutor is in the building in case they are sick or otherwise delayed.

The last day of tutoring for the school year is Wednesday, April 30. 

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